Launched in 2008, the Coral Reef Recovery Project seeks to develop and implement appropriate strategies for the conservation of the Mithapur Reef, situated 12 kilometres south of the Gulf of Kachchh in Gujarat.
On 2nd August 2020 it was a sunny morning and I was washing my field gears in preparation for another long day of flood rescues when I received a phone call from Kaziranga...
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Look at this spider! The pedipalps appear very much like an ant, but when you look at the cephalothorax closely you can see the eyes..
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“What are these ‘wet markets? I heard the pandemic COVID-19 started from a wet market and it points to Illegal Wildlife Trade!”... Know more here >>
What to do when you find wildlife near you. Click here to read in detail
Two thirds of our globe is under water, which is expected to increase...Know more here >>