New Delhi: On March 30, the Wildlife Trust of India launched a scheme of supplementary accident introduced of Protected Area staff, as part of its Van Rakshak Project. This landmark scheme brings all the field staff of the forest departments, working on wildlife duties in Protected Areas, under a single indusrance scheme. The scheme covers Forest Department employees of the rank of Range Forest Officer and below on field wildlife duties. Even temporary employees who have been on the rolls for at least three years, and are on field wildlife duties, are eligible.
For the scheme to be made applicable in a State, the State government’s approval is required, and in addition the forest department should also provide a list of eligible employees. So far, Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal, West Bengal, Meghalaya, and Madhya Pradesh have given their approval.
The sum insured per employee is Rs one lakh, and the scope of cover is death, permanent partial and permanent total disability due to accident. The claim can be made by employees in case of disability, and by the nominee in case of death.
The insurance policy stipulates that intimation regarding a claim should be losged within 15 days of the accident, though this condition can be waived under special circumstances. A Death Certificate supported by a Post-mortem report and a FIR wherever possible, giving the cause of death, will speed up claim settlement. However, if the Death Certificate clearly spells out the cause of death, these documents are not mandatory.