58 families affected by Elephant raids on their crops get relief by WTI’s Grain for Grain initiative


Seijosa, Arunachal Pradesh, 17 March 2021:

On 17th March 2021 WTI and Forest dept, Seijosa, Arunachal Pradesh supported by Kirloskar Ebari Pumps Ltd (KEPL) and the International Fund for Animal Welfare organised the “Grain for Grain” program for villagers who had suffered loss of their crops by raiding elephants. This programme ensured they received rice as immediate relief. Beneficiaries were identified with the help of the Arunachal state forest department who had provided WTI with a list of  58 affected families. Each of these families were given 100 kgs of rice by Wildlife trust of India’s Pakke Project Team.

The Grain for Grain initiative is a Rapid Action Project under WTI and this is the second consecutive year that the Pakke Team have conducted this program. There  has been an increase in numbers as more of local community members have started reporting the crop-raiding incidents and have desisted from taking punitive steps which could harm the elephants raiding their crops.

This programme aims to stem human elephant conflict by giving immediate relief for the crops lost.

The project team perceives an appreciation of this initiative and WTI’s aim of reducing human elephant conflict.  The DFO Seijosa, Mr Tailang Pali who graced the event, expressed his appreciation and also talked about how the locals can affect the impact of any conservation project, He stressed that the Forest dept, the various NGO’s and the people should work as a team and keep moving ahead in the best way possible for nature conservation particularly in Pakke Tiger reserve.

The programme was also graced by the Chairperson, Zilla Parishad Member, Seijosa, Secretary, Pakke Paga Hornbill festival, Chairman Ghora Aabhe society and the village headman.

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