New Delhi: Actor turned whale conservationist, Pierce Brosnan, has launched a personal and compassionate appeal to save the world’s great whales, and has partnered with International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), WTI’s international partner, to do so.
People around the world have begun receiving a personal email alert from the well-known James Bond star urging them to join this important campaign to stop the resurgence of commercial whale hunting being carried out by Japan and Norway. It is expected that more than a million people will receive the letter and be called to action to save whales.
“I have worked very closely with IFAW for the past several years,” said Brosnan. “Together we have spoken out and achieved important victories for whales around the world. And I am proud to join IFAW once again in this critical effort to protect these majestic creatures.”
“I am urgently trying to reach as many concerned people as I can,” says Brosnan in his email appeal, “to seek your help in the campaign to save the great whales…before it’s too late.”
IFAW and its 2.5 million supporters worldwide have campaigned for more than 30 years for the protection of marine mammals, including whales. Now, hundreds of endangered whales are being hunted annually by Japan, despite international treaties meant to protect them.
“Pierce’s personal commitment to protecting whales is inspiring to all of us,” said IFAW President, Fred O’Regan. “This is a critical time for whales worldwide. Whale hunting is on the verge of becoming an international industry. It must be stopped, and the time is now. We know that Pierce’s personal call to action will lead the way for an unstoppable global campaign against whaling.”