Animal Lovers Come Together to Felicitate Awardees


New Delhi : Resonating sounds of “Panchabhuta” a solemn recital invoking the five elements of life and nature, filled the autumn air when invitees entered the Gulmohar Hall of the India Habitat Centre. The occasion was the seventh Venu Menon National Animal Awards,  an annual affair, when animal lovers from across India gather to show their solidarity  to  all those who are sincerely striving  for peace through love and respect not only for their fellow  human beings but also for all other living beings on earth.

Glittering lights in the high porch and corridors welcomed the guests, providing a festive mood for a promising evening. Former Prime Minister Shri. I K Gujral was the Chief Guest at the function that was co-hosted by the Venu Menon Animal Allies Foundation (VMAAF), Wildlife Trust of India (WTI) with its partner the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) and the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation.Mr. Azzedine Thomas Downes, Executive Vice President of IFAW delivered the fifth Venu Menon Memorial Lecture.

The Gulmohar Hall on the first floor of the building among a maze of corridors and stairways was bustling with activity as curious onlookers tried to get a glimpse of some celebrities on the jury. This year a total of eight awards were delivered under different categories to individuals who have contributed most significantly to the cause of animal welfare.

The Venu Menon Life Time Achievement Award, the Venu Menon Animal Allies, the Special Organization Award, the David Shepherd Wildlife Award, the WTI Van Rakshak Award, the WTI Endangered Species Award, the IFAW Animal Welfare Politician Award and two IFAW Young Achievers Awards were given that evening.

The high profile dignitaries who shared the dais included the Chief Guest, former Prime Minister of India Mr. I. K.  Gujral, former union minister Mrs. Maneka Gandhi, social activist Ms. Medha Patkar, Executive Vice President of IFAW Mr. Azzedine Thomas Downes and Executive Director of WTI, Mr. Vivek Menon. Ms Revathy, Ms Urvashi Butalia, Ms Suparna Bakshi Ganguly, Ms Ambika Shukla were the celebrity jury members who wrangled time out of their busy schedules to attend this function in New Delhi . While international test cricketer Mr Javagal Srinath could not attend as part of the jury, his depth of involvement in the selection of winners came to light when he could distinctly recall the names of the districts that each winner belonged to!

Mrs. Maneka Gandhi in her speech stressed that “cruelty against animals must be stopped at any cost. Our distorted faiths and ill-conceived plans of development put these poor animals to the altar. Our whims and fancies have caused great pain and brutal deaths to these animals. Hundreds of camels, cows and buffalos were slaughtered every year in the name of beliefs and traditions.”

Ms. Medha  Patkar in her speech pointed out that “it is only through sustainable development that we could bring in changes to the environment. Conservation of our bio-diversity would help us achieve conservation of our wildlife. Indigenous populations living in these areas are often looked upon as outsiders and are removed forcefully by the authorities who often violate the basic tenants of human rights. Our policy makers should rethink of the development policies that they bring as it always overlooks environmental concerns.”

Mr. I. K. Gujral in his speech expressed hope that with concerted efforts from all the concerned partners, the program of wildlife conservation becomes a success.

Mr. Azzedine Thomas Downes in his speech pointed out that “the bankrupt policies of consumptive use would eventually yield nothing and therefore it is about time that the past conservation practices world over need to be remodeled on the lines of the 21 st century. The  key  was to seek newer approaches of wildlife conservation and more precautions to be taken while introducing developmental projects.” His speech highlighted several issues concerning wildlife conservation as called upon all to redefine our traditional conservation practices that befit  the  21 st century.

Mr. Vivek Menon in his vote of thanks congratulated all the members present for the occasion, for their notable contributions to the success of the program. He was pleased to see the children who were present at the function for their attention in the deliberations and hoped that their generation would also pick up the noble task as they grew older.

