Anti-Poaching Patrols and Animal Rescue during the floods at Kaziranga National Park


New Delhi: Kaziranga National Park, on the banks of the river Brahmaputra in Assam, is prone to floods during the monsoon. The floods follow a cycle and increase in severity every two years. During this period thousands of animals, including rhinos and elephants leave the sanctuary for higher ground and in the process reach close to villages or clamber on to the main highway that cuts through a part of the sanctuary. Many of these animals, like deer, rhinos, and tuskers, are poached while still others are simply swept away by the swirling waters.

In both in 1999 and 2000 WTI along with its local partner, Aranyak Nature Club placed trained volunteers, veterinarians and an animal ambulance near the affected areas to rescue animals that are stranded or being swept away. Funds permitting, this project will continue every year.

