Australian Appeal Tribunal Will Hear the Elephant Expert’s Plea in September


Sydney: A legal appeal that was forwarded by IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare), RSPCA Australia and Human Society International (HSI) on the 20 th of this month in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal in Australia, against the Australian Senator Ian Campbell’s decision for import of eight Asian elephants to Taronga and Melbourne zoos has finally set the date of hearing on September 26 th.

IFAW, RSPCA and HSI had appealed in the tribunal court against the Australian minister’s decision to halt the decision of import till a final hearing of the case is heard. The aggrieved elephant experts want the case to be over as early as possible, they deem it is in the best interest of the elephants.

Meanwhile, the Taronga and Melbourne zoos officials have agreed to postpone the import of Thai elephants till the court gives its final judgment.

IFAW campaigner Rebecca Brand said: “It is good news that an appeal date had been set and animal welfare groups are very keen that it is completed as quickly as possible. Claims that a so-called zoo-breeding program will help save this endangered species are weak and unfounded. We are confident that this flawed and damaging decision will be overturned.”

“Elephant welfare is being put at risk for no conservation benefit. Worse, it may well be detrimental. In purchasing elephants from camps in Thailand , the zoos have risked stimulating the market demand for juvenile elephants in Asia that drives an illegal trade from the wild”, said

Nicola Beynon from HSI.

RSPCA Australia President Dr Hugh Wirth said: “Elephants in zoos breed poorly, suffer a series of health problems and die at a younger age than the elephants in the wild. We are determined to stop this import. Importing these elephants does not meet the requirements of Australia ‘s wildlife trade legislation. The breeding program is not necessary, unlikely to be viable and the zoos themselves have said, it will not result in any elephants being reintroduced to the wild”

In a move strongly supported by international experts, the three organizations are appealing against this decision on the grounds that the zoos cannot meet the biological and behavioral needs of the elephants and there is no conservation benefit to stocking Australian zoos with these animals. These animal experts as they wait for the verdict are hopeful that that the court would give its judgment in their favor.

