Bail application of Sansar Chand’s wife rejected


New Delhi: Supreme Court today while dismissing the Special Leave Petition of Ms. Rani – wife of notorious wildlife trader Sansar Chand asked the petitioner to file the application before the trial court which it felt competent enough to decide on the case. The court while giving its verdict also noted the petitioner’s contention that she has been behind bars for last 22 months.

In November 2005, Rani filed a special leave petition in Supreme Court after Rajasthan High Court rejected her bail applications twice.

Rani was arrested on October 18, 2004 by Jaipur police for violations under sections 9, 39, 49 & 51 of the Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972.

E. P. Singh, a co-accused after his arrest and subsequent seizure of body parts of tiger and panther from his possession had disclosed to the officials that the consignment was from Rani, Sansar Chand and their son Akash.

About 48 tiger claws, 54 tiger paws with nails, another 55 paws without nails and 55 panther nails were recovered from him by Rajasthan police.

According to Saurabh Sharma, legal advocate of Wildlife Trust of India (WTI), “In the FIR (no 362 / 2004) Rani was charged of killing 19 panthers. In addition, two note books recovered from her and son Akash gave details of 654 chitah, 40 tigers and 32 otters, which could be the victims of this illegal trade.”

Since her arrest, Rani had moved six bail applications in various courts which were dismissed. As the trial is yet to begin, it seems Rani is likely to spend a long time behind bars.

