Bear Cubs Walk the Forests to Prepare for Eventual Release


Bear calves wild walk at the acclamatisation site in Pakke Tiger Reserve in Arunachal Pradesh on 30th December 2015.Photo:Subhamoy Bhattacharjee/IFAW-WTI
Bear cubs walking with animal keepers in Pakke Tiger Reserve

A dream like sequence is currently unfolding in the dense forests of Pakke Tiger Reserve in the north-eastern state of Arunachal Pradesh. The wildlife rich state is home to many charismatic species amongst which are Asiatic black bear cubs that are rescued in the face of grave threats to their existence. On several occasions, bear cubs are found alone in the forest, surrounded by predators, with bleak chances of survival, especially if the mother is a victim of poaching.

It is thus a dream come true for wildlife conservationists and rehabilitators when four such rescued bear cubs are taken for walks in the forest to enable them develop skills necessary to survive in the wild. This unique programme is part of IFAW-WTI’s bear rehabilitation programme at the Centre for Bear Rehabilitation and Conservation (CBRC) at Pakke Tiger Reserve.

Rescued at a very early age, these bear cubs were brought to CBRC from different parts of the north-east and the chances of their survival seemed uncertain. Hand-raised under the watchful care of the CBRC veterinarians and animal keepers, who act as foster mothers, they bounced back and were soon ready for rehabilitation.

After having spent a considerable time at CBRC, the team decided that the time was right to introduce these cubs to forests where they would eventually be released. The team zeroed down on an acclimatisation site near Doigurung anti-poaching camp in Pakke Tiger Reserve and the cubs were shifted here in October 2015. (Read Dr Jahan Ahmed’s blog on transporting these cubs to the site: Here at the acclimatisation site, these cubs are kept in enclosures and taken for daily walks till they are ready to lead an independent life in the wild.

Bear calves wild walk at the acclamatisation site in Pakke Tiger Reserve in Arunachal Pradesh on 30th December 2015.Photo:Subhamoy Bhattacharjee/IFAW-WTI
Bear cubs being guided to their enclosures 

Walking the bears is a major component of IFAW-WTI’s bear rehabilitation programme that is part of the soft release protocol of introducing them to the wild. Currently, there are six bears at the acclimatization site of which four are taken for daily excursions into the forest while two are still getting used to the outdoor pre-release enclosure at the acclimatisation site before they start their walks.

Each day at the break of dawn, the animal keepers Lakhiram, Aman and Jikom accompany these bear cubs on long walks into the forest where they are allowed to forage and explore the diverse flora and fauna of the Pakke landscape.

Bear calves wild walk at the acclamatisation site in Pakke Tiger Reserve in Arunachal Pradesh on 30th December 2015.Photo:Subhamoy Bhattacharjee/IFAW-WTI
Bear cubs walking with animal keepers in Pakke Tiger Reserve

The animal keepers also play a critical role in helping the cubs identify certain species of plants that form part of bears’ natural diet. This is crucial for cubs to develop an understanding of wilderness and what it takes to survive the hardships of life in the forest.

Lakhiram, the animal keeper said, “We have just started this process. Initially, we tempt them with fruits so that they come out of the pre-release enclosure and then take them to the forest to explore.” Gradually, the time spent in the forest is increased and it is planned in such a way that the bears develop a habit of being independent in the wild and forage for food on their own. Slowly their dependency on the diet provided by the CBRC team is reduced to ensure they forage with more vigour.

Dr Jahan Ahmed, Project Lead, CBRC, said, “These walks will continue for another three to four months after which they will be radio collared before release. At present, regular health monitoring of cubs is done at the acclimatization site.”

WTI with support from Arunachal Pradesh Forest Department and IFAW has been running the Asiatic black bear rehabilitation programme in Arunachal Pradesh since 2004. Since then, IFAW-WTI has released 38 bear cubs in Arunachal Pradesh and Assam. Of these, 20 were released in Pakke Tiger Reserve, 14 in Mehao Wildlife Sanctuary in Arunachal Pradesh and four in Manas National Park and Ripu Reserve Forest under Manas TR in Assam.

Meanwhile, the CBRC team is elated that their dream of releasing these bear cubs back to the wild will soon come true.

