Bhutan team rescue Black bear


Bhutan, June 28, 2019 : IFAW-WTI in collaboration with Nature Conservation Division (NCD) of Department of Forest and Park Services (DoFPS) had initiated training of frontline forest staff on Wildlife rescue and handling techniques. Conceptualized and proposed by Mr Sonam Wangdi, Chief of NCD, the training aimed at disseminating the learning and hands-on knowledge over the wildlife rescue operations to field offices in each forest range of Bhutan.



Following a Training of Trainers (ToT) in Thimphu, conducted by Dr NVK Ashraf, Chief Veterinarian and Dr Samshul Ali, Veterinarian from IFAW-WTI, the trainers conducted specialized training for frontline forest staff in all conflict-prone forest divisions across Bhutan spanning over the last few months.  Paro, Wangdue, Royal Manas National Park, Sarpang, Phibsoo WLS, Jomotshangkha WLS, Samdrup Jongkhar, Pemagatshel, Samtse, Gedu, Thimphu, Phrumsengla National Park, Zhemgang, Jigme Khesar Strict Nature Reserve, Sakteng WLS, Tashigang and Mongar FD are to name a few. In each division, a three-day training on Chemical Immobilization, Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation were provided by the trainers. So far a total of 211 frontline forest staff are trained. Apart from the training, the frontline forest staff were also equipped with field gears and veterinary equipment to make work conducive for them.

These trainings are being proved successful. Recently, the NCD team got a call from a monk of Tango Monastery, situated near Gyengi tshawa (located at north of Thimphu town) to rescue an Asiatic Black Bear (Ursus thibetanus). The team led by Mr Tshencho Tshering Sr. Forest Ranger II, Mr Tshewang Choejur along with the recently trained rescue team of Thimphu Division Mr Sonam Tshering Sr. Forest Officer and Mr Tenzin Yeshi Sr. Forester mobilized the necessary equipment’s required in the field and rushed to the site immediately.

Upon reaching, the team witnessed the black bear (estimated two and half years old) struggling with a kettle on its head, probably caught while trying to lick something out of it. . The rescue team prepared the drugs based on a rough estimation of the bear’s weight.  Once the bear was immobilized after sedation, the team removed the kettle.  Morphometric information was collected before the bear could revive. After checking for other injuries, the team released the bear in the forest of Gyengi tshawa (proximity to the rescue site).

Besides the rescue of the black bear, the teams have been actively engaged in rescuing and treating injured deer species i.e. Sambar (Rusa unicolor) and Barking deer (Muntiacus muntjak) being predated by the stray dogs (11 cases in 3 months), a phenomenon which has increased in prominence, over the last few years.

IFAW-WTI values their partnership with Bhutan and will continue to assist them in their endeavours to protect the wildlife.


