Jodhpur (Rajasthan): A blackbuck (Antilope cervicapra) was shot dead by poachers in the outskirts of Rawar village in Jodhpur district, Rajasthan, yesterday. A case has been filed against two accused persons – residents of a nearby Bala village – who are absconding.
The hunters reportedly escaped as the villagers – alerted by the gunshot – reached the site. Based on the witness of the villagers, the Forest Department filed a case against two persons – Jawarilal and Parasram Master. The carcass was recovered.
Wildlife Trust of India (WTI) has appointed a lawyer, Sanjeet Purohit, to assist the Forest Department in prosecuting the offenders when they are caught.
“The carcass was sent for post mortem. The results are awaited. Meanwhile, the manhunt for the accused is on. We are on the standby for any assistance,” said Purohit.
Blackbuck – a threatened antelope – is listed in Schedule I of the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. Conviction for poaching this species attracts a maximum punishment of seven years along with a fine.
WTI is also assisting the prosecution against Mansur Ali Khan alias Tiger Pataudi, accused of hunting a blackbuck in 2005, as well as against Salman Khan, accused of killing a blackbuck and 2 chinkaras on separate occasions.