CBRC Celebrates International Save Bears Day With Schoolchildren


  • Arunachal Pradesh, Asiatic Black Bear, Bear Rehabilitation, CBRC, Pakke Conservation Project, Pakke Tiger Reserve
  • Arunachal Pradesh, Asiatic Black Bear, Bear Rehabilitation, CBRC, Pakke Conservation Project, Pakke Tiger Reserve
  • Arunachal Pradesh, Asiatic Black Bear, Bear Rehabilitation, CBRC, Pakke Conservation Project, Pakke Tiger Reserve

Pakke Tiger Reserve, Arunachal Pradesh, February 22, 2018: An awareness and sensitisation programme on bears and their ecological importance was organised at the Centre for Bear Rehabilitation and Conservation (CBRC) – the rescue, treatment and rehabilitation facility for Asiatic black bears established in Pakke Tiger Reserve by IFAW-WTI and the Arunachal Pradesh Forest Department – on the occasion of ‘International Save Bears Day’ yesterday.

About 50 local schoolchildren, their teachers and some forest department officials attended the programme, which was held at the Nature Interpretation Centre in Pakke Tiger Reserve. CBRC Field Officer Nilmani Rabha made a multimedia presentation on the extant bear species worldwide, their physical and behavioural characteristics, and the importance of their conservation. IFAW-WTI’s ongoing work for the rehabilitation and conservation of Asiatic black bears in Arunachal Pradesh was also showcased.

CBRC has successfully rehabilitated 51 Asiatic black bear cubs rescued from across Assam and Arunachal Pradesh since its inception.

An art competition and a quiz on bear conservation was then held for the students. Attendees also had the opportunity to view, from a distance, one of the rescued bear cubs at CBRC receiving its mid-day milk feed. Prizes were then distributed to the competition winners and all students received participation gifts.

Established in 2002, CBRC provides shelter, food and veterinary care to orphaned Asiatic black bear cubs with the aim of eventual rehabilitation back to the wild. The centre is situated on the West Bank of the Pakke River in Pakke Tiger Reserve and has successfully rehabilitated 51 rescued cubs from across Assam and Arunachal Pradesh since its inception.

