New Delhi: The owner of Apollo Circus, Bulandshahar, who had been running the show with 11 illegal lions at the Nauchandi grounds in Meerut for a month now, is said to have filed a writ petition in the Allahabad Court for a general stay order. He has also, meanwhile, moved the circus from Meerut to Muzzafarnagar. Since the case now falls under the jurisdiction of the Allahabad Forest Department, the officials there have been left incapacitated by the order for the time being. Yet, plans to challenge the petition in court are underway.
The Circus had been displaying 11 lions as a part of a circus, in complete contravention of section 38 of the Wildlife Protection Act. On a complaint filed by the People For Animals, the Wildlife Warden of Meerut had served a notice to the circus owners, who reportedly ignored it claiming the matter was sub-judice. Apollo Circus had filed an application claiming compensation for being dispossessed of a means of livelihood. However, as the court had granted no stay, the forest department went ahead with their plan to seize and shift these animals to the Nahargarh lifetime care facility near Jaipur, Rajasthan.
On Friday, May 3, when they decided to confiscate the animals, forest officials, police force, media persons and representatives from People For Animals and Wildlife Trust of India gathered to document and assist the movement of these animals. However, the operation was mired in confusion after local politicians gathered at the grounds to show support for the circus and threatened public uproar if the animals were taken away.
The Central Zoo Authority contacted the Wildlife Trust of India’s Emergency Relief team to assist the forest department in providing veterinary care to the lions, if needed. Wildlife Veterinarian/ Emergency Relief Manager Dr. Anand Ramanath and assistant programme officer Kadambari Mainkar had rushed to Meerut.