CWRC Foundation Day: First Batch of Employees Felicitated


CWRC team on Foundation Day 2015 .Photo: IFAW-WTI

CWRC team on the Foundation Day

Kaziranga, August 28, 2015: Commemorating the 13th Foundation Day of Centre for Wildlife Rehabilitation and Conservation (CWRC) — the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW)-Wildlife Trust of India (WTI) and wildlife care facility supported by Assam Forest Department — the first batch employees were felicitated by senior journalists during a programme organised by CWRC team. An interaction with the media was also part of the day-long celebrations.

Animal keepers Mahadev Das, Tarun Gogoi, Lakhiram Das and Prasanta Das were felicitated for their 13-year-old association with CWRC during which they have rescued, rehabilitated and released hundreds of animals. Thereafter, the CWRC team interacted with the journalists and reviewed the contributions of the centre and the future course of action.

Established in August 2002, CWRC is the first rescue and rehabilitation centre near a protected area in India. Functioning as per accepted international protocols and guidelines, it is recognised by the Central Zoo Authority (CZA). The centre has handled around 4000 cases of distressed wild animals till date.

Aniruddha Mookerjee, Senior Advisor, WTI, who was instrumental in setting up CWRC, was also honoured in presence of the august gathering. Mr Mookerjee in his short speech recalled establishing this one of its kind facility and said. “The images of 1998 Kaziranga floods are still in my mind. It was then that we felt the need of such a dedicated facility for the well-being of wildlife in and around Kaziranga National Park. Serving wildlife for the last 13 years, this centre has set an example for the world.”

vivek-cwrc-2002Vivek Menon, ED & CEO, WTI, at the foundation day of CWRC in 2002. Photo:  Bhabananda Kalita.

He also mentioned key contributions and efforts of Mr Vivek Menon, the ED & CEO, WTI; BS Bonal, former Director of Kaziranga; and Maneka Gandhi in making this facility a reality, and wished that this bond between CWRC and media will continue in future too.

WTI started its emergency Mobile Veterinary Service (MVS) unit to mitigate the wildlife crisis during floods with support of IFAW in Kaziranga National Park after a MoU with Assam Forest Department.

Mukul Tamuli, Forest Range Officer, Central Range of Kaziranga, congratulated WTI oceren behalf of the Kaziranga Forest authorities for its long and fruitful association with the Assam Forest Department.

Dr Rathin Barman, Deputy Director and Centre In -Charge of CWRC, enlightened journalists about the history, aim and vision of WTI through a presentation. He also informed about new rhino births and rescue case success ratio which is more than 60% at present.

During the second phase of the meeting, a review of the activities of the centre was done and the CWRC team took suggestions from journalists like the need of creating more awareness among the school children and occasional visits and interaction with the IFAW-WTI officials. .

Dr. Rathin Barman, Regional Head and In- Charge of CWRC interacting with the journalists on the occassion of 13th Foundation Day of CWRC on 28th August 2015.Photo:Subhamoy Bhattacharjee/IFAW-WTI

Dr Rathin Burman during the interaction with media

Bhabananda Kalita, a senior journalist, displayed some old photographs and news published about the day when CWRC came into existence in 2002. He very graciously gave a copy of the same for WTI archives too.

Uttam Saikia, senior journalist and honorary Wildlife Warden of Kaziranga congratulated IFAW-WTI on behalf of the journalist fraternity. He spoke about how so-called conservationists who get involved in unnecessary rescues and create problems not only for Forest Department but also the animals. He asked WTI to organise orientation programme on Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972, and other related conservation issues for the journalists of Kaziranga.

The programme ended with Dilip Deori, Manager & Project Lead, Nagaland Conservation Project, gave the vote of thanks.

