CWRC MVS Team Chemically Restrains, Treats Injured Conflict Wild Buffalo



The injured wild buffalo at Hokunguri Tea Estate before it was chemically immobilised by the CWRC MVS team

Tinsukia, Assam, February 6, 2017: A Mobile Veterinary Service (MVS) team from IFAW-WTI’s Centre for Wildlife Rehabilitation and Conservation (CWRC) chemically immobilised and provided supportive treatment to an injured female wild buffalo at the Hokunguri Tea Estate, Tinsukia district, on February 4.

The MVS team was asked to intervene by the Assam Forest Department’s Tinsukia Territorial Range, as the animal had killed one person and injured three others over the previous week, creating a sense of panic among the local community. The team, comprised of veterinarians Dr Samshul Ali and Dr Madhurjya Borah and animal keeper Raju Kutum, first responded to the emergency call on the evening of February 3. Having examined the wild buffalo from a distance and discussed the situation with the forest department, they returned the next morning whereupon Dr Ali chemically immobilised it for treatment.

The animal had killed one person and injured three others over the previous week, creating a sense of panic

Having conducted a thorough examination, Dr Ali observed: “The wild buffalo has a chronic injury on its left foreleg. It may have sustained this in a fight with another wild buffalo or indeed, from any sharp object. The wound is deep and will require a prolonged period of care. We have provided supportive treatment and, upon consultation with the forest department, decided that the animal should be transported to the Assam State Zoo in Guwahati for further veterinary care.”

Having treated the wild buffalo, the MVS veterinarians administered a chemical agent to counteract the sedative so that it could be transported to Guwahati in a conscious state.

It is presently being kept in isolation in an enclosure at the zoo, and is receiving the requisite long-term treatment.

