Eighty-nine endangered turtles rescued


New Delhi: Eighty-nine endangered turtles rescued by the Wildlife Department late last evening from the illegal possession of an accused in Najafgarh. Following a raid, a woman named Omwati belonging to the Sansi Tribe was detained under Section 49 B of the Wild Life (Protection) Act by the Department.

After recording her statement, she was produced today at about 2 pm in the Court of Sanjeev Jain, Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Delhi. According to Advocate Saurabh Sharma, Legal Advisor of the Wildlife Trust of India, “The Indian soft-shelled turtle (Lissemys punctata) is an endangered fresh water species and is placed in Part II of Schedule I of the Act.”

Paramveer Singh, the Wildlife Inspector said that the accused was arrested at her house in Anaj Mandi, in Indra Market. Interrogation revealed that she was involved in the trade for couple of years and has been selling them in the local market.

After hearing the application of the Wildlife Inspector, the Court directed the Department that the turtles be released in the Yamuna River provided photographs were made available to the court about its release. The Court remanded the accused to judicial custody till May 01.

