First-ever Governing Council Meeting of MVS Bandipur Cements Collaboration between Karnataka Forest Department and WTI



The first-ever Governing Council meeting of MVS Bandipur underway at Bandipur Tiger Reserve

Bandipur Tiger Reserve, September 3, 2016: The first Governing Council (GC) meeting of MVS Bandipur was held at Bandipur Tiger Reserve yesterday. The Mobile Veterinary Service unit at Bandipur, a first of its kind in South India, was established in June 2015 by Wildlife Trust of India (WTI) and the Karnataka Forest Department, with support from Aircel. It has since attended to over 70 wildlife emergencies and vaccinated over 60 domestic animals, apart from assisting the forest department in conducting post-mortem examinations of wild animals that have died in Bandipur TR.

The meeting was attended by GC members of the Karnataka Forest Department and senior representatives of Wildlife Trust of India (WTI). Chaired by Mr BJ Hosmath (IFS), Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (PCCF), Wildlife and Chief Wildlife Warden (CWLW), Karnataka Forest Department, the GC agreed to extend the MoU between the two parties for another three years. In addition to this certain key decisions, viz., on grant of permission to the MVS for rescue and rehabilitation of wild animals under the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972; integrating Awareness for Conservation activities of WTI with similar strategies of the KFD’s ongoing projects; and on issues pertaining to the new MVS unit to be established in MM Hills and Cauvery WLS were taken. Highlighting the importance of the MoU, Mr Hosmath said, “KFD would like WTI to assist it in additional activities like veterinary support to the existing Rapid Response Teams, awareness creation etc in other districts beyond BTR.”

Dr Jagdish Kishwan, Chief of Conservation, and Dr NVK Ashraf, Chief Veterinarian, represented WTI, while the forest department, apart from the CWLW, was represented by Mr GV Ranga Rao (IFS), APCCF (Project Tiger), Mr Heeralal (IFS), CF and Director, BTR, who was also the convener of the meeting, and Mr Belliyappa, ACF Nagarahole Tiger Reserve. Mr Sudheer, Advocate and Managing Trustee, Voice for Wildlife Trust, Mysore also attended the meeting. Expressing satisfaction at the outcome of the GC meeting, Dr Kishwan commented: “WTI is grateful to the CWLW and other KFD authorities for providing continuous guidance and support to our Bandipur MVS unit, which has encouraged us to deliver an excellent performance.” Dr Ashraf concurred, adding: “I am confident that my team of vets in Bandipur and MM Hills will be able to meet the expectations of the KFD.”

From WTI, Mr Jose Louies, Regional Facilitator, Mr Abhishek Narayan, Assistant Manager, Mr Nagaraj Bhatt, Field Officer and veterinary surgeons Dr Shantanu Kalambi and Dr Nagesh were also in attendance.

