Gujarat adopts WTI’s accident insurance scheme for forest staff


New Delhi: Gujarat becomes the 22nd state to be a part of the national insurance scheme initiated by the Wildlife Trust of India (WTI) that insures frontline forest staff against injury and death in protected areas  of the state.

Till today, front line staffs from 369 protected areas from 21 states across the country are covered under the insurance scheme. The scheme was started in 2001 and is the only one of its kind that has paid 40 death claims to families of forest guards killed fighting poachers and in accidents involving wild animals while protecting forests.

 “This will be a great morale booster for the staff; particularly those which are directly involved in field operations for protection of wildlife and will motivate them to perform their duties sincerely,” said Victor Meckwan, Under Secretary Wildlife, who signed the contract on May 31.

“Till date, nearly 17,000 staff in 21 states has joined the insurance scheme and out of the 47 claims so far, 40 were of death,” Rakesh Kumar Singh, manager, Van Rakshak program of WTI said.

The government is in the process of revamping the entire security setup following the spate of lion poaching in Gir Wildlife Sanctuary.

In the first four months of the year, 9 lions were killed by poachers, while several others had died in mysterious circumstances. The media have widely criticized the Gir management for not doing enough to protect the endangered big cats.

“To avoid a repeat various steps are being planned particularly in matters of technical interventions, adequate human resource and equipments for field staff,” Meckwan said. “Habitat recovery, poaching and human-animal conflicts will be the focus areas.”

“It is a big step forward and has come at the right time,” said Ashok Kumar, Vice Chairman of WTI, “motivated staff can make a big difference to help check wildlife crimes and to strengthen security in wildlife areas.”

Experts say, poaching, habitat destruction and human-animal conflict is threatening the existence of many wildlife across the country and the Western Indian Gujarat state is no exception.

Gujarat is home to some of the rare and endangered wildlife, such as Asiatic lion, wild ass, black buck, great Indian bustard, whale sharks, and the only nesting site of flamingos in India.

In the year 2001, WTI had started a group accident insurance scheme under its Van Rakshak Program to assist the forest departments across the country for creating a strong, well-equipped and motivated force of front-line field staff to curb poaching and habitat destruction in wildlife areas.

Under this scheme, all frontline staffs from the rank of Range Officers, Foresters, Forest Guards and casual workers, who worked for more than three years in protected areas (Wildlife Sanctuaries, National Parks & Community Reserves), are eligible.

A sum of rupees one lakh is given in case of death, permanent total disability and permanent partial disability due to accidents on duty. The insurance premium is borne by WTI.

