IFAW-WTI Invited to Showcase Activities on World Environment Day


IFAW-WTI’s Sanatan Deka during his presentation

Kaziranga, June 5, 2015: On World Environment Day, IFAW-WTI team was invited to showcase its various activities and to deliver a technical session on the theme of this year — ‘Seven Billion Dreams, One Planet. Consume with Care.’ The programme was organised by the Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Chirang, at their campus in Kajalgaon, Assam.

Apart from the technical session facilitated by IFAW-WTI, the other activities included plantation of trees, awareness meetings by the guests, apart from the technical session facilitated by IFAW-WTI. The technical session was attended by more than 300 people including Mr Kampa Borgoyari, Deputy Chief, BTC; Mr Rwngwra Narzary, MCLA, Kajalgaon Constituency; Mr RK Mazumder, Deputy Commissioner, Chirang; Mr Dayal Das, District Agriculture Officer, Chirang; Mr. Subha Brahma, DFO, Chirang; farmers from Chirang district; representatives of local NGOs; members of Farmers Club; and some students from colleges close to Kajalgaon.

IFAW-WTI’s Sanatan Deka made a power point presentation on the various activities of the organisation in the landscape, how to retain the World Heritage Site tag for Kaziranga and Manas, and the key role of the other stakeholders in protecting the forests and wildlife. The role of CWRC was discussed in great detail during this particular session.

“It is a feeling of great pride that IFAW-WTI conservation initiatives are being recognised by all. The audience too responded very well to our efforts in protecting wild animals in the landscape,” said Sanatan Deka.



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