Japanese oversight flaws fatal to elephants


The Hague, Netherlands : An investigative report conducted by IFAW into Japan’s domestic ivory trade controls has uncovered numerous loopholes that allow illegal ivory from elephants poached in the wild to be laundered into the legal domestic ivory market.

The report, “Fatal Flaw: The Inadequacies of Japan’s Ivory Trade Controls” represents a robust refutation to the CITES Standing Committee (SC) acceptance of Japan as a trading partner for the one-off sale of ivory stockpiles approved at the 12th Conference of the Parties (CoP) in 2002.

At the 54th meeting of the SC in October 2006, delegates and conservation organizations were caught off-guard by a last-minute decision recommending Japan as a trading partner for the stockpiles.  This decision was made without the knowledge of a recent 2.8 tonne seizure of contraband ivory in Osaka in August 2006, which the Japanese did not disclose until after the meeting of the SC, an IFAW release said.

Final approval of Japan as a destination for the stockpiles will be contingent upon the Secretariat’s own verification report to be presented at SC55, which convenes Saturday, June 2.

A major loophole in the Japanese system disclosed by the IFAW report is the absence of compliance and oversight. According to the report, 64 percent of ivory dealers in Tokyo and 58 percent of dealers in Yamanashi failed to comply with the governmental regulation requiring registration for all ivory dealers.

Another survey conducted by the Japan Wildlife Conservation Society between October 2003 and January 2005 revealed that an incredible 90 percent of dealers selling ivory hanko (traditional personal seals required for most official documents) lacked the certification required by Japanese law. The quantity of ivory seized in Osaka represents approximately 56,000 hankos.

Another loophole identified in the report is the absence of control over ivory kept by private ownerships.

Given that approximately three tonnes of registered tusks are introduced into the domestic market annually (TRAFFIC), this provides an enormous opportunity for criminals to launder illegal ivory into legal stocks.

According to the report, the antique market presents another opportunity for laundering illegal ivory, both domestically and internationally. Some dealers in Japan appear to be selling new ivory items, and there seems to be a link with the illegal ivory market in China.

“Japan’s complacency in controlling the illegal trade in ivory and its enthusiasm for ivory status symbols could lead to tragic consequences, says Peter Pueschel, Program Manager for IFAW’s Protection of Wildlife from Commercial Trade program.

“The slaughter of seven rangers in Kenya last week is a recent example of how demand for ivory motivates illegal activity. A total ban on all ivory trade is the only way towards protecting both elephants and humans,” he added.

Between August 2005 and August 2006, over 26 tonnes of elephant ivory were seized which is the highest annual seizure rate witnessed since the 1989 CITES ban went into effect. In addition, enforcement authorities estimate that nearly 90 per cent of contraband slips through controls undetected.

Kenya and Mali have submitted a proposal to CITES for a 20-year moratorium on all ivory, and are currently backed by 10 African elephant range states, as well as other countries. The moratorium would not affect the stockpile sales approved in 2002.

In the year 2000, IFAW formed a partnership with Wildlife Trust of India (WTI) to strengthen the cause of wildlife conservation and animal welfare in India. The two organizations share concerns for a number of endangered animals.

