New Delhi: For the eighth consecutive year, the Venu Menon National Animal Awards ceremony was hosted at the Lakshmipat Singhania Auditorium in PHD House in New Delhi on February 19. Nine individuals received the awards from the Chief Guest, Dr. Najma Heptulla.
Other important guest at the occasion included Ms. Menaka Gandhi, Hon’ble Member of Parliament, Dr. Cynthia Moss eminent elephant expert, Kiran Sehgal, well known Odissi dancer, Urvashi Butalia, activist and author and Bittu Sehgal Environmentalists and editor of the Sanctuary magazine.
The awards were jointly instituted by the Wildlife Trust of India (WTI), the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation (DSWF), the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) and the Venu Menon Animal Allies Foundation (VMAAF) in fond memory of Venu Menon, an animal lover who died young. It seeks to commemorate his beliefs by keeping his concerns alive. The awards are given in eight categories in different fields of wildlife conservation.
The winners included Jaisraj Srisrimal, Venu Menon Lifetime Achievement Award, Bathula Sanjeevarayudu, Venu Menon Animal Allies Award, Melvin Mathew and Henry Mathew, winners of the quiz competition of the IFAW-WTI Animal Action Week 2005 on the theme “Caring for our best friends, companion animals”, Dr. M.S. Kachhawa, David Shepherd Wildlife award for his pivotal role in the trial of notorious wildlife trader Sansar Chand, Mohan Alembath, WTI endangered Species Award for his efforts for conservation of Nilgiri Tahr, Amrut Shabilal Singh and T. Ravichandran received the Jury’s Special Award for their contribution towards reptiles and stray dogs respectively
Bijoy Krishna Handique, Hon’ble Union Minister of State for the Ministry of Fertilizers & Chemicals was given the Leadership in Conservation Award for his key role in conservation of rare birds.
Dr. Moss delivered the sixth Venu Menon Memorial Lecture at the packed auditorium of more than 250. She spoke about her famous elephant conservation project in the Amboseli National Park in South Africa. An elephant biologists and Director of the Elephants Research Project, she said that the awards go a long way in educating and raising consciousness among the general public about the vulnerability of wildlife and in propagating the cause of wildlife.
Vivek Menon, Managing Trustee of the VMAAF said that the awards are a small step towards encouraging and rewarding people who have made a difference in the overall upliftment of animals. It also helps to sensitize others and propelling them into action. People with exceptional track record are acknowledged once a year for their noble contribution towards wildlife.
The awards were given annually to deserving individuals who are selected by a panel of judges. This year, the panel included Asha Menon, Bittu Sehgal, Kiran Segal, Urvashi Buttalia, P.C.Bhattacharjee and K.B.Menon. Nominations of these awards are invited from across the country through direct mailers, advertisements and press.