Delhi: A mottled wood owl (Strix ocellata) was confiscated yesterday from a wandering faith healer in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, by the trade control team of the Wildlife Trust of India (WTI). The bird was handed over to the Forest Department officials.
“Mottled wood owl is a scheduled species and is protected by the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972,” said Prasenjeet Navgire, Project Officer, WTI.
“The accused was using this live specimen as a prop for his business of selling amulets, stones, medicines etc. As, owls are generally linked to black magic, believers are easily fooled into thinking that the person owning it possesses supernatural powers,” he added.
Experts have noted a surge in illegal owl trade in India, with demands arising mainly from pet trade and black magic practitioners. Just about a month ago, the Wildlife Crime Control Bureau (WCCB) and Kerala Forest Department, assisted by WTI, had seized a barn owl being traded online by a gang of experienced wildlife traders.
“A number of such seizures have proven that underground trade in owls is thriving. The owl seized yesterday, may not have been kept by the accused with the motive of trading, but confinement of protected species without relevant documents, is in itself a crime as per Indian wildlife laws,” said Ashok Kumar, Vice-chairman, WTI.
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