Rare tragopan found injured; under treatment


Mehao Wildlife Sanctuary (Arunachal Pradesh): A rare Blyth’s tragopan (Tragopan blythii) was found injured in Mayudiya Pass, Arunachal Pradesh, on Saturday. The bird is being looked after by the Forest Department, assisted by IFAW-WTI Mobile Veterinary Service team, and has responded well to treatment provided to it.

“The bird, an adult male, is currently under the Department’s care in Mehao Wildlife Sanctuary, and will be released after a few days of observation, if it recovers completely,” said Dr Abhijit Bhawal, IFAW-WTI veterinarian.The tragopan had sustained injuries on its right leg and was unable to fly, when it was found.Speculating on the reason for its injury, Alok Kumar, Range Officer, Mehao WLS said, “A road passing through the sanctuary is being cleared. Perhaps, the bird was disturbed and it was attacked by a bird of prey.”Blyth’s tragopan is listed under Schedule I of the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 and is found in the forested hill tracts (1500-2500 m) of the northeastern Indian states, south of Brahmaputra River. With a patchy distribution ranging additionally in Bhutan, Myanmar and China, the species is classified as ‘vulnerable’ in the IUCN Red List.


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