Save the Phantom


Guwahati, March 2015: Human-leopard conflicts are fairly common in Assam, especially in the ever expanding Guwahati where 11 leopards were captured last year alone. To curb such conflicts and to come up with a solution, a team of young researchers from Guwahati University proposed a project, ‘Human leopard conflict mitigation through community participation in Guwahati metro’. Wildlife Trust of India (WTI) and David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation (DSWF) addressing the need supported the initiative.

Prof Saikia addressing the media during the meet

As a precursor to the campaign, a press meet was organized in the Guwahati Press Club this month, to convey the message of ‘Saving the phantom (Leopard)’ to general public through media since it plays a crucial role in shaping people’s perception about the predator. Twenty one media houses (both print and electronic) and 11 freelance reporters participated while the meeting was addressed by Professor Prasanta Kumar Saikia, Professor of Zoology, Guwahati University; Mridul Bora, the RAP proponent; Dr. Rathin Barman, Deputy Director, WTI; and Dr. Bhaskar Choudhury, Veterinarian & Regional Head, WTI. In his inaugural speech, Mridul Bora, said, “The project aims to conduct a series of awareness camps in priority conflict sites to, sensitize and educate communities on the ecological significance of the leopard. The camps will also sensitize people on the do’s and don’ts during conflict situations.”

During the course of the meeting, Dr. Saikia expressed grief on how leopards are perceived to be pests and said that leopards have been living in close proximity to Guwahati for centuries and the conflict escalated after humans started creating infrastructure in their habitat. “The fact of the matter is that there have been many cases of human-leopard conflicts, not only in Guwahati, but all over India. Leopards usually are not man-eaters and mostly attack if disturbed! We need to ensure that this message is conveyed to the public to ensure long term survival of this magnificent predator,” said Dr. Saikia.

The media persons at the meet

Dr. Barman in his speech said that people should not panic in conflict situations and should wait patiently for the leopard to return/escape. “In conflict situations, people should rely on experts and contact the responsible authorities. They should not take the matter in their own hands,” he added.

Later, Dr Barman addressed the journalists and said, “Media is an integral part of our society and they have the responsibility to show us the right picture. They should take initiative to mitigate human-leopard conflict in Guwahati for the sake of long-term conservation of leopard. We must act together in this conflict mitigation awareness drive, otherwise in the next few years we might even lose all the wild animals living around cities/towns,” said Dr. Barman.

A first of its kind, the campaign aims to raise awareness among the people about the causes and reasons behind conflicts. It also intends to educate people about the general ecology of the leopard and what to do in a conflict situation. Awareness camps will be presided over by noted conservationists and research scholars. They will address the people about general causes of conflict and focus on educating the public about the do’s and don’ts in conflict situations. People will also be informed about whom to contact in case of conflict and for that telephone numbers of concerned authorities will be made available.

Coordination with the State Forest Department and NGOs will be crucial for the project and their resource persons/representatives will be invited to the camps to address the general public. The team will collaborate with police officials to form a rapid response teams to manage mob/crowd during conflicts. A volunteer response team consisting of ward members will also be created.

Prof Saikia addressing the media during the meet

With more than 20 prominent media houses participating, the meeting turned out to be hugely successful. The media persons were told in great detail about the cause and effect of conflicts and it is expected that rather than creating panic in the minds of people, the media will behave responsibly. The journalists present assured that the news reports about the awareness camps will be reported and published with priority. This will help in the spread the message among more and more people.

