Separated from mother, clouded leopard cubs to be rehabilitated


Kokrajhar (Bodoland, Assam): A year after two orphaned clouded leopard cubs were successfully hand-raised and released in the forests along the Indo-Bhutan boundary, two more cubs of these rare felines have been admitted for rehabilitation at the Centre for Wildlife Rehabilitation and Conservation (CWRC) Transit Home in Kokrajhar. 

The female cubs, less than a month-old, were found earlier this month by locals in Chirang, Bodoland. Forest Department officials assisted by a local NGO New Horizon admitted the cubs to the Transit Home run by IFAW-WTI (International Fund for Animal Welfare – Wildlife Trust of India) with the support of the Bodoland Territorial Council (BTC).

“Locals pick up young animals found alone, often out of goodwill but end up displacing them. This is quite unfortunate. Our first priority with these cubs was to try and find the mother and reunite them,” said Dr NVK Ashraf, Chief Veterinarian, WTI.

The rehabilitation team visited the site at Kuklung Range, Chirang district falling within the Greater Manas landscape, from where the cubs were picked. The cubs were left overnight for three consecutive nights. Camera traps were placed to photo-capture animals visiting the site when the cubs were alone. During the day, they were milk-fed and looked after by members of the Forest Department, New Horizon and IFAW-WTI veterinarians.

Although some signs of a wild cat were seen nearby, reunion was not successful.

“We found some pugmarks, but we are not sure if they were of the mother or some other cat. We waited for three days, but eventually had to withdraw as the cubs were growing weak,” said Brahmananda Patiri, Deputy Conservator of Forests, Chirang Forest Division. “The cubs are currently at the Transit Home under the supervision of Dr Panjit Basumatary, IFAW-WTI veterinarian and are healthy. We are now working out a way to best rehabilitate them.”

The cubs will be hand-raised and moved to a suitable release site in the wild, where they will undergo prolonged acclimatisation before being radio-collared and released.

With the addition of these two individuals, the total number of clouded leopard cubs looked after by IFAW-WTI has reached five. The first two cubs were rescued by the Forest Department from local people at Runikhata Reserve Forest, Kokrajhar. The cubs were hand-raised at the Transit Home, moved to a release site selected based on a number of criteria, acclimatised there, radio-collared and released.

The clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) is a shy nocturnal, tree-dwelling wild cats found in India, among other countries. It is listed as a Schedule I species in the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. It is classified as ‘vulnerable’ in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, with only 10,000 mature individuals in the wild worldwide. Habitat destruction and poaching are among the major threats to the clouded leopard, which is also the smallest of the big cat species.



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Centre for Wildlife Rehabilitation and Conservation

