Skin seizure in Kolkata


Kolkata (West Bengal): A skin, thought to be of black buck, was seized yesterday from Sree leather showroom in Kolkata, West Bengal, by the WCCB – Wildlife Crime Control Bureau, East Region and local police assisted by the Wildlife Trust of India (WTI).

Dinesh Pandey, Assistant Project Officer, WTI, said, “I found this skin in the showroom. Prima facie examination suggested that it belonged to a black buck. I informed Sri RK Samal, RDD, WCCB (ER). He deputed Mr A Roy Choudhury, Wildlife Inspector, to carry out the seizure.”

The manager of the showroom has reportedly claimed the seized skin as that of a cow. The skin has been sent to the Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) for confirmation of its identification.

“Possession of a black buck skin without relevant documents from relevant authorities, would count as an offence by the law,” said Pandey.

Black buck (Antelope cervicapra) is listed as schedule I species in the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. In a high profile case, former Indian cricketer Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi was booked for black buck poaching in June 2005. The final verdict on the case is pending.

