Three Flood-rescued Rhino Calves Introduced to Outdoor Paddock at CWRC


CWRC, Kaziranga National Park, August 10, 2016: Three of the eight rhino calves rescued from the floods in Kaziranga National Park last month were introduced yesterday into an outdoor paddock at the Centre for Wildlife Rehabilitation and Conservation (CWRC), the rescue, care and rehabilitation facility run by IFAW-WTI and the Assam Forest Department.
CWRC Animal Keeper Hareswar Das with the three smallest rhino calves in their new outdoor paddock

All eight rhino calves have been housed at the centre’s Large Animal Nursery since being rescued. The successful introduction of the three smallest calves into the makeshift paddock is an important step, since exercise, sunlight and the development of a grazing habit are vital to their recovery and eventual rehabilitation. The paddock has been designed with two small ponds to also encourage the calves to wallow, as they would in the wild.


While they initially seemed afraid of this new environment the calves have now come to accept it. They are being monitored constantly and have been seen finding themselves a safe place to rest and grazing as the desire strikes them. “We first tried to place the oldest of these three calves into the paddock with an older calf that was rescued in the floods last year”, said Dr Panjit Basumatary, lead veterinarian at CWRC. “The younger calf did not like this. Over the next two days we began bringing the three calves out into the paddock together and feeding them milk here. This plan seems to have worked. As their stress and fear regarding this new habitat diminishes, they will stabilise and do well outdoors.”


Rhino calves playing ‘Assamese whispers’ in their enclosure at CWRC’s Large Animal Nursery

Meanwhile, the five rhino calves still in the Large Animal Nursery are responding well to milk formula. Their wounds are being treated and they continue to have regular health check-ups. “It’s heartening to see them improve”, said Dr Samshul Ali, the CWRC veterinarian who was involved in most of the rescues and is now monitoring and treating the calves; “we’re hoping that all eight will be in outdoor paddocks soon, beginning the long process towards their rehabilitation back to the wild.” 

