New Delhi: Two persons were detained and three shahtoosh shawls seized in an operation at Indira Gandhi International airport in the early hours on Thursday morning. The operation was carried out by officers of Customs Commisionerate (Preventive) and assisted by Wildlife Trust of India (WTI).
Shahtoosh shawls are made from the wool of the Tibetan antelope, an endangered species accorded the highest protection in the country by the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). Despite an international ban on shahtoosh trade, some illegal trade still goes on.
During February 2004, a survey in the shops selling shawls in the luxury hotels of Delhi revealed that most of them are aware of the legalities and penalties for selling shahtoosh shawls and in no shop were these shawls available. Further investigation then revealed that some of the shops and shawl merchants were organising customised and illegal sale of shahtoosh shawls.
These investigations developed into a lead which culminated in the seizure in the early hours today. Ita Bigelli Cristina holding an Italian passport and Lopez Fonta Maria Teresa who had a Spanish passport were detained for questioning.
The Customs Department then sought the help of Government wildlife official and Additional Director, Wildlife Preservation, Government of India, Mr. K. N. Singh, who came to the airport and identified the three seized shawls to contain shahtoosh wool.
Mr. Ashok Kumar, Sr. Advisor and Trustee of WTI also identified the shawls to contain shahtoosh wool, WTI is following up the matter and assisting the enforcement authorities with the proceedings. WTI has been running a concerted campaign against the manufacture and use of shahtoosh shawls in India .