Tiger caught sleeping on bed in Assam home after fleeing the Kaziranga Floods


Kaziranga, Assam, July 19, 2019Floodwaters bring in the most unlikely guests. This time it was a tiger at a house in Harmouti in the Kohora range, relaxing on a bed. The IFAW-WTI- Assam Forest Department teams initially considered tranquilising the tiger but finally decided to give it a safe passage without much intervention.

The tiger was spotted next to the highway at 8:30 am on July 18 moving from the park, just 200 m away, most probably on its way to higher reaches in the Karbi hills about 500 m across the National highway. Probably disturbed, he jumped across the wall of a scrap garage and took refuge in the darkroom of a house. There is a roadside eating joint located across the house and the highway divides this stretch. It has to traverse this stretch of the road and eating joint to reach the forested hills behind.

The team waited patiently for sundown to give it a safe passage out of the house. The Assam Forest Department is worked round the clock with us to ensure the safety of humans and animals in the wake of floods and receding waters that is throwing such unprecedented challenges each day.

This situation is also a strong statement on highways and settlements blocking the animals’ Right Of Passage!

Pic Credit- Dr Samshul Ali/ IFAW-WTI



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