Train-elephant collision averted in Deepor Beel, Assam


Guwahati (Assam): Quick thinking and prompt action by members of the joint patrolling team deployed to prevent train-elephant collisions along the critical Deepor Beel railway stretch near Guwahati, recently averted an accident saving a herd of about 15 wild elephants.

Initiated in November 2008, the patrolling along railway tracks in Assam has successfully prevented more than 80 accidents till date. It is jointly implemented by the Assam Forest Department, Northeast Frontier Railways and Wildlife Trust of India (WTI) supported by the UK-based charity Elephant Family (EF), under the Train Hits Mitigation Project.

Assam is among the states with highest elephant mortality due to train hits, with about 65 elephant killed in train accidents since 1987. The frequency of accidents saw a steep increase in the late 1990s and 2000s.

Alarmed by these deaths, WTI supported by the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) carried out a rapid survey to identify the accident prone areas in 2006. This was followed by an intensive year-long study of these sites to identify the causes and to develop site specific mitigation measures for implementation.

The studies identified about 23 accident-prone sections in eight forest divisions in Assam. On priority basis, currently, patrolling is carried out in seven of these 23 sites including Deepor Beel.

“Elephants from Rani-Garbhanga Reserve Forest move to the Deepor Beel Wildlife Sanctuary for water, crossing through the track between Azara and Kamakhya Railway Stations. Due to the efforts of the patrolling team, elephant mortality in this stretch has been reduced to zero in the last one year, with 35 potential accidents averted,” said SSK Seal Sarma, DFO, Guwahati Wildlife Division, Assam Forest Department.

Each joint patrolling team comprises six members, two each supported by the Forest Department, Railways and WTI-EF. The teams walk along the tracks at nights keeping watch for elephants among other animals. On sighting, the information is conveyed to the drivers of the approaching trains through the nearby railway control rooms.

“This is a simple yet very effective mechanism to prevent accidents,” said RK Badal, Divisional Engineer, Rongia Division, Northeast Frontier Railways. “The alerted drivers of the approaching trains reduce their speed and warn the animals of their arrival by sounding the whistle. We are proud to be a part of this conservation initiative.”

Apart from patrolling, the project is also implementing other recommendations of the studies. These include installation of signage along the track, awareness workshops for the Railways staff, etc.

“We are also exploring the possibilities of leveling some steep embankments along the tracks and other accident mitigation measures in other areas,” said Professor PC Bhattacharjee, Executive Trustee, WTI. “In Rajaji National Park, Uttarakhand Forest Department and Northern Railways assisted by WTI have ensured zero deaths of elephants due to train hits since 2002 (before this, about 20 elephants were killed here since 1987). We are trying to achieve the same result in Assam, but this will take time as Assam is a huge state. Only last month, an elephant was injured in a train hit in Gibbon Wildlife Sanctuary. The elephant was being treated by the Forest Department assisted by our team, but it succumbed to its injuries this morning.”


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National Train Hit Project

