New Delhi: Late last night three people were caught red handed and arrested with two leopard skins in western Uttar Pradesh. The traders had been tracked in decoy deals over several months by members of the Uttar Pradesh Special Task Force (UP STF) and Wildlife Trust of India’s (WTI’s) enforcement team.
The location of the deal was changed four times and finally last night one of the traders came in with a leopard skin. Assured of the genuine presence of a customer he contacted another trader who arrived with the second skin in about 30 minutes.
The raid was conducted by UPSTF assisted by WTI’s enforcement personnel. “This has been an important success and we appreciate the UPSTF for carrying out this operation. One skin was found intact with nails and canines and we are awaiting the report on the state of the other skin,” said Ashok Kumar, Vice Chairman of WTI.