WTI grants ex gratia to Forest Guard killed in Lightning Strike in Madhya Pradesh


Sanjay Tiger Reserve, Madhya Pradesh, 22 November 2020:

Standing firm in support of the brave men and women guarding our natural heritage, WTI granted INR 1,00,000 to Ms. Roshmi Singh w/o Mr. Ajit Kumar who succumbed to a lightning strike while on duty at Sanjay Tiger Reserve, Madhya Pradesh.

All of 30 yrs, Ajit Kumar was a dedicated forest guard and had gained remarkable field knowledge of tiger behaviour in his young age, he was often deputed by his seniors in tiger tracking for his field craft. Loved by both his officers and his peers, he would be missed by his peers.

Mr. BP Tiwari, Asst. Director, Sanjay Tiger Reserve, Ms. Kavita, Range Officer, Sanjay Tiger Reserve and Mr. RP Mishra, regional head- Central India, WTI handed over the cheque.

WTI’s  ‘Supplementary Accident Assurance Scheme’ for our fallen and injured brave men and women guarding our natural heritage is one of our longest running programmes.

Click here to contribute towards this assurance scheme which ensures immediate financial relief to the next of kin of these brave frontline staff.

