New Delhi: The Central Empowered Committee appointed by the Supreme court today admitted a petition filed by the Wildlife Trust of India praying for the completion of the relocation of villages on the southern side of Corbett Tiger Reserve, which has been pending for over 25 years. In the year 1978, the government of Uttar Pradesh took a decision to relocate four villages situated on the southern side of Corbett Tiger Reserve. This decision was taken at the request of the villagers who wanted to move to a location outside the forest. Of these, three villages were successfully relocated and the people moved to a better life.
The land vacated by these villages, Jhirna, Kotirau and Dhara proved to be highly suitable habitat for herbivores. The population of prey species went up dramatically and as a result, the region saw the return of the predators such as tiger, leopard and others. Wild elephants also moved in. Particularly impressive now is the large population of peacocks which surpasses that of any other part of Corbett.
Only one of villages, Laldhang did not comply with full conditions of relocation though 185 hectares of prime forest in Terai West forest division was clear felled for them. Only 84 families shifted out and 30 to 35 that remained opted to stay back at Laldhang. This was double jeopardy for the forest because 185 hectares of prime forest land was lost without gaining the original Laldhang land. Despite allotment of land at a prime and fertile location on the Moradabad – Ramnagar road, the old Laldhang is still under human habitation and cultivation. In fact, many of the families who had gone to the new location have begun cultivation at both the places. The Corbett park authorities are helpless because the old Laldhang land continues to be under the charge of District Magistrate, Nainital. As is usual, local politicians have added to the problem.
The petition that WTI filed in February was admitted and notices are being issued to the state government and the Dist. Magistrates of Nainital and Udham Singh Nagar. The Advocate for Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India supported the stand taken by WTI. The issue which has remained unresolved for years and was in fact getting worse since a few outsiders had also moved in, should find a solution in the foreseeable future so that Laldhang can go back to forest and wildlife