Meerut (Uttar Pradesh): In a major undercover investigative operation, the Uttar Pradesh Special Task Force (UP-STF) and UP Forest Department, on a tip-off from the Wildlife Trust of India (WTI), arrested two experienced wildlife traders in Meerut yesterday.
Traders, Jeevan Thakur and his brother Ashish Kumar were arrested when they arrived at the Civil Lines to deliver an albino civet cat priced at more than two lakh rupees to the decoy customers. Several endangered species including hill mynahs and peacock chicks were recovered from his residence in a raid done following his arrest. The accused, residents of Lal Kurthi, Meerut are currently under judicial custody.
This is the first conclusive evidence of cyber-run wildlife trade in India materialising out of months of online tracking by the Wildlife Trust of India trade control unit. Post-arrest investigations revealed that the accused used social networking facilities on the internet to carry out their business.
An official of WTI who assisted the authorities during the operation, said, “The accused are well connected to customers worldwide. They had a detailed price list of animals with their scientific names.”
The seized animals are in the custody of the police. WTI has sent its wildlife veterinarian Dr Anjan Talukdar to check on the seized animals.
Ashok Kumar, vice-chairman, WTI said, “We have been hunting for Jeevan Thakur for a long time now. About five years ago, he was nearly caught, but because of certain problems he escaped. Since then he has been playing safe. Their modus operandi is still being investigated upon.”
The Uttar Pradesh Special Task Force was quick to respond to the tip off by WTI; it is this collaboration and support from various enforcement agencies and the Forest Department that made this operation a success.