WTI’s Founder and ED Vivek Menon elected to the IUCN Governing Council


Marseilles, 8 September 2021: Today the IUCN, the largest global union of conservation of nature voted at the World Conservation Congress in Marseilles to elect its new governing Council for 2021-25.

Celebrating his election as  a Councillor of the IUCN, from the South and East Asian Region, WTI’s Founder and Executive Director Vivek Menon said, “I am honoured to  serve the IUCN in a governance role and will bring my three decades of conservation and management expertise to ensure that we have a strong and decisive agenda for nature conservation in this critical moment in history and the finances to achieve it. I thank the members who believed in me and will work to strengthen the membership, the commissions and secretariat during my tenure on the council”.

Vivek Menon’s role on the Council adds to his existing role as Chair of the Asian Elephant Specialist Group and member of the Species Survival Commission Steering Committee and Conservation Translocation Specialist Group. Of the eight statutory regions of IUCN, South and East Asia had nine contendors for five seats –  the largest number of seats at the Council comprising a total of 28 seats globally. Regional Councillors act as IUCN’s ambassadors, working with the President the Director General to promote IUCN’s services within the Region.

The World Conservation Congress is ongoing in Marseilles through in-person and virtual meetings following a year’s delay due to the pandemic. It is the only international conservation forum that brings governments, civil society and indigenous peoples’ organisations to the same table to ensure that biodiversity conservation is taken to all levels of the governments and civil society.

Wildlife Trust of India is supporting 19 motions that will come up for voting. Once adopted, they become Resolutions and Recommendations, and therefore the body of IUCN’s general policy. Key among these that WTI supports are establishing a Climate Crisis Commission, addressing ocean noise, restoring natural ecosystems, protecting environmental human and peoples’ rights defenders, recognising and supporting indigenous peoples’ and local communities’ rights and roles in conservation, reducing the impacts of the mining industry on biodiversity and promoting regional co-operation in protecting marine animals.

This global event that saw in-person and virtual participation of delegates will conclude on 10 September with the declaration of the Marseille Manifesto – a promise from IUCN Members and partners to make a significant contribution to the post-pandemic recovery and the biodiversity and climate emergencies.


