Fighting forest fires: Stay home, stay safe does not apply to front line forest staff who are the unsung heroes risking their lives so that nature can live. Through our Rapid Action Project supported by David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation we provided Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary and Wayanad North Division Kerala with leaf blowers.

Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary is a crucial Protected Area (PA) in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve and has one of the highest density of tigers and a healthy Asian Elephant population. The high temperatures in summer coupled with heavy wind destroyed over 60 hectares of forests within three days last year. Leaf blowers are effective tools for primary grass fires that spread at high speed.

Keeping in mind the wind direction, leaf blowers are used to create a control line on ground covered with leaf litter. The idea is to sweep the burning material back toward the already burned area and cut the fuel supply for the flame. Seen in the video from Wayanad, the blowers prove to be essential tools to douse most of the fire, especially in areas where water accessibility becomes tricky. The department has been efficiently patrolling the area and mitigating fires since February under this RAP. Help us save India’s NaturalHeritage.