A tragedy of epic proportions has unfolded at Sambhar Lake, Rajasthan. Thousands of birds, many of these migratory species have died with almost 5000 bird carcasses buried at last count.

Our team is on-site with experienced veterinarian Disha Sharmaarma working with Raksha Jaipur, the organisation we support. To save on the transit time (initially, birds were taken to Jaipur), the team set up a temporary treatment facility at Kachroda forest nursery, Phulera.

Cause of mass-scale deaths is still to be ascertained but our teams are doing their best to save as many lives as they can.

Symptoms witnessed- Wing movement freezes thereby unable to fly, followed by leg paralysis with gasping and then they pass out. Freshwater birds have not been affected.

There is another set of people who have the onerous task of picking up dead birds as they wash up along the shores of the lake, and it can be anybody’s guess how.many more would have died in the water.

Under #RapidActionProject , we support local organisations to deal with such wildlife emergencies, without delay ensuring quick action and appropriate scientific response.