Tag Archives: ArunachalPradesh

Elephant Cup Football tournament held during Solung Festival, Arunachal

Namsing, Arunachal, 17 December 2020: Wildlife Trust of India with the support of the World Land Trust recently organized a football tournament during the Solung festival as a D’ering –Dibru Saikhowa Elephant Link Project people participation activity. The Solung festival observed in Arunachal Pradesh during the first week of September […] Read more »

Grain for Grain

Seijosa, Pakke Kessang,19th Jan 2020: 26 families ailing from elephant crop depredation during the year 2019 were provided with 2600 hundred Kgs of rice during the Pakke Paga Hornbill Festival, Seijosa, Pakke Kessang. Every family received 100 Kgs of rice, almost double the weight earlier provided under the “Grain for Grain” […] Read more »