Tag Archives: Conservation Action Series

Tiger Country: Helping Save Bhutan’s Natural Heritage

A Conservation Action Series report on four years of work by IFAW-WTI in partnership with the Government of Bhutan, training forest guards, customs and enforcement personnel, and assisting the Bhutanese forest department in taking action to save local wildlife in distress. Read more »

Gujarat’s Gentle Giant: Conservation of Whale Shark (Rhincodon Typus)

This Conservation Action Series report documents the Whale Shark Conservation Project by WTI, Tata Chemicals Limited and the Gujarat Forest Department, which turned Gujarat’s whale shark hunters into its protectors. The species’ ecological requirements, scientific studies undertaken as part of the project, the pioneering self documentation scheme for whale shark […] Read more »

Daring to Restore: Coral Reef Recovery in Mithapur

This Conservation Action Series report documents the Mithapur Coral Reef Recovery Project, launched in 2008 by WTI, Tata Chemicals Ltd and the Gujarat Forest Department. The project includes a first-of-its-kind transplantation of coral species (Acropora humilis) from Lakshwadeep to Mithapur, where they were locally extinct. Read more »

Turning the Tide: The Campaign to save the whale shark in Gujarat

At the turn of the century, the world’s largest fish, the whale shark, was being slaughtered commercially in large numbers along the coast of Gujarat. The Whale Shark Conservation Project by WTI, Tata Chemicals Limited and the Gujarat Forest Department has turned Gujarat’s whale shark hunters into its protectors. This […] Read more »

Walking the Bears: Rehabilitation of Asiatic Black Bears in Arunachal

This Conservation Action Report documents the Asiatic Black bear Rehabilitation Project initiated jointly by the Wildlife Trust of India and the Department of Environment and Forests, Arunachal Pradesh, in partnership with the International Fund for Animal Welfare in 2003. This was the first instance of bear rehabilitation being taken up […] Read more »