Tag Archives: Gaj Yatra

Inviting Ideas to Save Elephants in India

Throughout India, the elephants are running out of space and time. The spread of human settlements, plantations, farming, mining and railways is squeezing elephant populations into decreasing pockets of forest. Those that survive are forced into areas of human activity, if not just to pass between forest patches, then directly to feed on crops. The once harmonious relationships between elephants and people are breaking down, and both are getting killed all too frequently when conflict becomes extreme. We need Solutions to save the elephants and people. Read more »

Gaj Yatra Rolls Out in Meghalaya

Led by partners Wildlife Trust of India (WTI) and International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), Gaj Yatra is the biggest event ever planned around India’s National Heritage Animal – the Asian elephant. It will move through 12 elephant range States over the next few months, generating a groundswell of popular and policy support to help secure Right of Passage for elephants through 101 vital migratory corridors mapped across India. Read more »

Gaj Yatra Gets Going from Renowned Ganesha Temple in Mumbai

Mumbai, August 13, 2017: Leading wildlife conservation NGO Wildlife Trust of India (WTI) announced the Mumbai launch of the Gaj Yatra, a campaign that aims to raise awareness about the shrinking space for India’s wild elephants and the importance of securing elephant corridors. The campaign was launched at the revered […] Read more »