Tag Archives: Human Wildlife Conflict

Conflict to Co-existence

In conjunction with long-term measures it is essential that rapidly deployable and field-tested solutions to alleviate Human Wildlife Conflict be brought to the forefront. This inaugural volume of the Conservation Action Solutions series does just that, summarising ten successful conflict mitigation measures already employed by WTI, and two new ideas […] Read more »

Conflict Leopard Rescued and Released into the Wild by CWRC MVS Team

Jorhat, Assam, July 24, 2017: Working in concert with the Assam Forest Department, a Mobile Veterinary Service (MVS) team from IFAW-WTI’s Centre for Wildlife Rehabilitation and Conservation (CWRC) recently resolved a conflict situation by tranquilising a leopard that had strayed into a village in Assam’s Jorhat district. The leopard, a […] Read more »