Tag Archives: IUCN

WTI Team Treats Poisoned Vultures

Kaziranga, 24 April 2020:Wildlife Trust of India’s veterinarians are currently nursing eleven vultures afflicted by secondary poisoning from Sibsagar district of Assam. These vultures were spotted at Dichagmukh area, suspected to have fed on a poisoned animal carcass on the banks of Brahmaputra of which 19 birds were already dead. […] Read more »

CMS Lists Endangered Asian elephants in Appendix I

Gandhinagar, India, 21 February 2020 – In a major breakthrough, the proposal to enlist Asian Elephants in Appendix I of the Convention of Migratory Species has been accepted by the 13th Conference of Parties (COP) of the UN Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) which […] Read more »

A Better Way for a Sustainable Future

Gondia, 30 August 2019: The simplest of solutions can go a long way to add value to people’s lives and save the environment. A better method of collection of Minor Forest Produce (MFP) and value addition by turning it into a marketable product is expected to help communities co-exist with […] Read more »

The smooth tail of Surat

Smooth-coated Otter (Lutrogale perspicillata) is a semi-aquatic mammal with an affinity towards undisturbed wetland habitats. India is home to three different species of otters, amongst which smooth-coated otters are the most widely distributed species across the country. Read more »

International Whale Shark Conference, Mar 14-15, 2019

Gandhinagar : Wildlife Trust of India recently organised a regional conference to develop whale shark conservation action plans and management framework along the Arabian Sea region. Mahatma Mandir at Gandhinagar saw an aggregation of experts on science, conservation and law enforcement forums from countries along the Arabian Sea and the […] Read more »

A rapid response to wildlife emergencies – The Rapid Response Team (RRT)

The shrinking habitats of wild animals due to escalating human population result in unsolicited and inevitable encounters between humans and wild animals in and around forests, leading to human-wildlife conflict. Wildlife Trust of India’s (WTI) Rapid Response Team (RRT) was established to provide an expert emergency response to such conflict situations and address human big-cat conflict proximally. Read more »