Tag Archives: Pakke

Week old bear cubs rescued and being hand raised at WTI-CBRC, Pakke

Pakke, Arunachal Pradesh, 8 March 2021 Last week, Arunachal Pradesh forest department staff brought in two female bear cubs to the WTI – Centre for Bear Rehabilitation and Conservation (CBRC) on 12 February 2021. These week old cubs were found by women from Wanu village inside the Wanu Community Reserve […] Read more »

Grain for Grain

Seijosa, Pakke Kessang,19th Jan 2020: 26 families ailing from elephant crop depredation during the year 2019 were provided with 2600 hundred Kgs of rice during the Pakke Paga Hornbill Festival, Seijosa, Pakke Kessang. Every family received 100 Kgs of rice, almost double the weight earlier provided under the “Grain for Grain” […] Read more »