Tag Archives: Pilibhit

WTI team Successfully Mitigates Conflict with Tiger in Terai

Pilibhit Tiger Reserve, 6 April 2020:In a successful attempt at defusing a critical conflict situation in which a tiger had killed two persons on 3 April, our Rapid Response Team of veterinarian, social scientist and biologist swung into action. Within a few hours, the veterinarian managed to tranquilise and capture […] Read more »

A rapid response to wildlife emergencies – The Rapid Response Team (RRT)

The shrinking habitats of wild animals due to escalating human population result in unsolicited and inevitable encounters between humans and wild animals in and around forests, leading to human-wildlife conflict. Wildlife Trust of India’s (WTI) Rapid Response Team (RRT) was established to provide an expert emergency response to such conflict situations and address human big-cat conflict proximally. Read more »